Breeding guppys for beginners / novices easy money teens food.

So ' got this random idea of selling fish , I actually got it from my sister.
So this is now a detailed guide on selling and breeding guppies.


Birth method : Live baring (Gives birth to living babies)
Color : Varies
Average amount of fry (baby fish) : 20-30
PH  :
Temp :
Male to female ratio = 1 : 3
OK first things first, distinguishing between males and females.
Males are the ones that are

  1. Colorful
  2. have a big tail fan
  3. not pregnant
Here are some examples of guppies (all male)

Ok female guppie are the dull, scrawny looking fish with no flare , but they have the overies so here ae some examples.

So determaning of your guppy is pregnant.
A guppy female can be impregnated once every 4 weeks , strangely enough the time it takes for baby guppies to fully mature , if treater correctly.
So a preggers guppy has a "permanent" black dot at where her kloaka (anus) would be. The spot will eventually chaneg from black to red when she gets closer to giving birth.And of corse she will be fat ,as in huge.

Birthing guppies:
There are two things to do number one the high maintenance process, this process requires a breeding trap
as seen to the left.
The female must be put into the trap about day 25 of the 28 day cycle.
Note this stresses out the fish.
The fry (babies) must then be stored in either a separate tank or a well covered / hid tank note,fry cannibalism is as common as cr@p.

The low maintenance method, basically leave them.
If your tank is planted with enough foliage and has enough hiding spots , most of the fry will make it past the 2 week "death by cannibal" period. Like this one.
Caring for fry.
It is absolutely necessary to feed your fry as soon as they arrive , but make sure the food reaches them and they can fit it into their mouths (Crush it to a powder.) >It  is recommended that fry first be kept in a small tank so that they accustom themselves with tank feeding procedures.

Mother guppy giving birth.
Remember if a guppy has any physical defects , kill'em or feed them to an adult fish , they will not make week 2 and are suffering!

So now haggel and sell my Minions!!!!!!!!
Written by cordam!r